Consultation document, online survey, Open Forum invitation
In the light of low and declining usage of the library, the increasing availability of online learning materials, and the need to increase efficiency, the Language Centre is consulting on the following proposals. The resources which are needed to support teaching at the Language Centre (textbooks and their associated CDs, dictionaries etc.) will remain at the Language Centre for the benefit of learners in class and tutors, and a budget will be retained to purchase such resources in future. It is proposed to consolidate the Centre’s other library holdings into the Bodleian libraries, from where they can both be consulted and borrowed.
Locating the relevant library resources in the Bodleian libraries would retain them for language study in Oxford, and preserve the diversity of language materials that has been built up. Better disabled access to the resources would become possible, the resources would be accessible for longer opening hours than at the Language Centre and borrowing would still be possible.
A paper with further information about the proposals and consultation process is available. There is also an online survey, open until 12 noon on Friday 31 May. An Open Forum discussion event was held on Tuesday 7 May 2019, from 12 noon – 1.30pm, at St Luke’s Chapel on the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter on the Woodstock Road.