The reference collection is at the beginning of the book collection, consists of dictionaries (bilingual and monolingual), grammars in English and in the target language, grammars with exercises, vocabulary builders, subject vocabulary builders and books on writing style.
CALLs are installed on the networked computers. Most CD-ROMs will be on the CD shelves. Some, not yet catalogued, will be in the Librarian’s Office.
The second part of the book collection which is found after the reference collection, starts with textbooks which are classified alphabetically by language and then alphabetically by title. It is then followed by listening and reading material, literature (bilingual English-target language and monolingual), music, video scripts and introduction to the culture of the country.
Most textbooks are accompanied by CDs, sometimes also video and CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning, see Reference tab). The shelfmark on the textbook will indicate whether or not the textbook works alongside other material. For example the textbook Sueños world Spanish, which you will find under the letter S in the textbooks collection, will have the following shelfmarks:
SP Shelfmark for Spanish
CCU Shelfmark for CDs (starting with C) 1-8
SP VBE 1-20 Shelfmark for Videos (starting with V)
The textbook Sueños world Spanish is accompanied by 8 CDs and 20 videos.
Tapes and videos accompanying textbooks are shelved alphabetically by shelfmark (and not by title like the textbooks). For example the tapes for Sueños are placed at SP CCU which one would find after SP CCT, the videos will be after SP VBD.
After the textbook section, you will find a generalities section. Here you will find books on the general culture of the country.
The phonetics books will help you with your pronunciation. The shelfmark is going to be PH + Language shelfmark, for example SP for Spanish. Most of the books are accompanied by CDs which you will find at the end of each language CDs section.
DVDs are shelved alphabetically by language. At the beginning of each language section you will find the film collection, classified alphabetically by director’s name, for example: SP V ALM for a film by Almodóvar.
The collection consists of same-language subtitles for French, German, Italian and Spanish. The collection is available on the carousel, next to the CD collection.
The second section will be for documentaries and DVDs linked with textbooks. The
classification is alphabetical by shelfmark, for example: FR VA will be followed by FR VB etc.
The library no longer stocks foreign-language newspaper and magazine subscriptions. Some back issues are available to read within the library (including Le francais dans le monde, L’Obs, Der Spiegel, Deutsch Perfekt, Oggitalia, Punto y coma, Carta de Espana, and Lingo). You can find these on the display table by the library entrance.