We recently began consulting on proposals about the future of the Language Centre library.
In the light of low and declining usage of the library, the increasing availability of online learning materials, and the need to increase efficiency, we are currently consulting on proposals to move many of the library’s holdings to the Bodleian Libraries, while keeping materials at the Language Centre where they are needed to support teaching (such as dictionaries, textbooks etc).
Locating the relevant library resources in the Bodleian libraries would retain them for language study in Oxford, and preserve the diversity of language materials that has been built up. Better disabled access to the resources would become possible, and the resources would be accessible for longer opening hours than at the Language Centre.
The Language Centre is the University’s hub for language learners, and we are committed to ensuring it continues to provide a high-quality service for students, staff and other learners. Part of the proposals focus on increasing investment in areas where there is strong current demand, for example for offering further teaching in Academic English, improving the AV facilities in the classrooms and providing sufficient well-equipped working space for our language tutors.
We are currently consulting about the proposals, and would welcome feedback from Language Centre library users. The consultation began on Monday 18 February 2019 (Hilary term week 6) and will end on Friday 31 May (Trinity term week 5), a period of 14 weeks. If you have any comments, please email comms@lang.ox.ac.uk.
The library’s resources will continue to be available until further notice, and we will provide further information as it becomes available.